Mráčková/Šimonová Studio at Archip

This winter term GoRo Award

The best projects were selected by a jury including Osamu Okamura, Radek Kolařík and Yvette Vašourková. The best studio won Šimonová-Mráčková studio.  The prize for the best student project was given to Nicola Ziboni, Lucia Bombová, Esra Akgun, Noam Yehuda (Šimonová-Mráčková studio).

foto: Dominik Kučera

First year’s studio exhibition – winter semester 2018/19

Final Presentations Mráčková/Šimonová Studio

guests: Monika Mitášová, Martin Stoss, Dalibor Dzurilla

8th January 2019 at 1 p. m.